Thursday, September 22, 2011

Licensing Agreement [Old version from fiverr beginning to Oct. 15 2011]

Four licensing agreements exist, that blanket all work created and produced by OldBittyGrandma aka DUSK Enterprises, Inc.

Please check the type of gig you booked with me, and review the appropriate licensing agreement. 

Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment canceled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part.


Any samples, any part of samples, any content within a sample provided, can not be used, manipulated, nor altered without the expressed written consent of DUSK Enterprises, Inc. If a sample is used, without expressed written consent, the user will be considered violating the copyright exclusively owned by DUSK Enterprises, Inc..

Any samples provided are provided to demonstrate the scope of endless possibilities that a customer's project could encompass. Samples are provided as a courtesy. Please honor that courtesy and reciprocate, by not using samples, or sharing samples with another producer/creator/artist without the expressed written consent of DUSK Enterprises, Inc.

Another condition of the licensing, is that because I own all rights to the video, you can not 'Monetize” ANY OF MY ORIGINAL WORK, on Youtube, or other such sites. In effect, you can not collect advertising monies from Youtube or other such sites, on the finished work I provide to you. You can not "resell" the finished work I provide to you. Thank you for your cooperation.

Video/Audio Editing

Video - 4-verse Songs (excluding the Happy Birthday and You Are My Sunshine gigs)
Video/Audio provided to DUSK Enterprises, Inc. for editing purposes remains the property of the original owner who submitted the video, including any existing audio portions. OldBittyGrandma will never extrapolate any part of any submissions nor will use any video/audio, whole or in part, in projects outside of a customer's unique project.

Any original video/audio that OldBittyGrandma adds to the existing video/audio submitted, belongs to DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Customers are granted limited use only. The limited use granted, is granted indefinitely. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it..

Customers can not use the "OldBittyGrandma" name, nor associated the "OldBittyGrandma" name with their distribution of the finished work I provide to them, not in any way. I have my own business and they have theirs. If a customer uses my name, without my expressed written permission, then they would be violating the licensing agreement.

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me. 

Audio - Narration - Voiceovers - Voicemail - 4-verse Songs (excluding the Happy Birthday and You Are My Sunshine gigs)

DUSK Enterprises, Inc. holds all rights to all original audio. With regards to finished work, any original audio that OldBittyGrandma creates, original audio found within non-original video, ie. video provided to DUSK Enterprises, Inc. for editing, belongs to DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it..

Customers can not use the "OldBittyGrandma" name, nor associated the "OldBittyGrandma" name with their distribution of the finished work I provide to them, not in any way. I have my own business and they have theirs. If a customer uses my name, without my expressed written permission, then they would be violating the licensing agreement.

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and can alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I can also monetize on youtube or other such sites, any original work I create. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me.

Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment cancelled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part. 

Another condition of the licensing, is that because I own all rights to the video, you can not 'Monetize” ANY OF MY ORIGINAL WORK, on Youtube, or other such sites. In effect, you can not collect advertising monies from Youtube or other such sites, on the finished work I provide to you. You can not "resell" the finished work I provide to you. Thank you for your cooperation.

"Character" gigs, all "Happy Birthday" gigs, "You Are My Sunshine" gig and all other gigs*

* For the "Say Anything" gigs/Testimonial gigs/Voice Mail gigs, see below this section
* For Samples, Video/Audio Editing, see above this section

Part of the licensing agreement requires that only DUSK Enterprises, Inc. holds all rights to upload this video to Youtube, or other websites. To upload the video provided to you as finished work or to allow others to upload the video to Youtube or other websites, would be considered in violation of this licensing agreement. To help you remain within the bounds of the licensing agreement, you will be offered the opportunity to have the finished work uploaded to Youtube on the OldBittyGrandma Youtube Channel. If you decline that offer, it will be noted that you declined that offer. This licensing agreement holds that you will not manipulate the video in any way, nor create another video around this video, nor create still images from this video. For example, if you sought to create a video titled, “All the performers of”, you could not include my video in the video you create. For example, if you wanted to lift an image from the video and incorporate it into a banner or avatar, that would be in violation of the licensing agreement. DUSK Enterprises, Inc. maintains ownership and all rights to the video, each frame included in the finished work, however, you are being granted limited use of the video, just the video, as a video.

If you so desire, the finished work can be upload to Youtube and set for private viewing or public viewing. In the case of private viewing, setting private status requires the buyer providing email addresses of those that are allowed to view the video. I will gladly open the video up for public viewing where the buyer can freely embed the video anywhere on the internet the buyer desires, or make the video available on a cellular device. To avoid trolls, ratings or comments are not allowed on ANY of the videos appearing on my youtube channel. I do not monetize, advertise or make any financial gain from the views I receive on Youtube, during the first full week, of it being uploaded. I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and can alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I can also monetize on youtube or other such sites, any original work I create. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me. Thank you for your cooperation.

ADDITIONALLY, For Private viewing/use: Please do not manipulate my image and/or audio, or create pictures/images/audio recordings from the finished work you are provided without my consent. To do so, would violate the licensing agreement that you agreed to upon purchase. Basically, I am giving you limited use of the video, however, DUSK Enterprises, Inc., still maintains all copyrights for it and/or any authorization to use it.  Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.
My licensing agreement holds that you will not manipulate the video in any way, nor will you create another video around my video. For example, if you sought to create a video titled, “All the performers of”, you could not include my video in the video you create, without my expressed written permission.Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

My licensing agreement also holds that you will not create still images and/or audio from the video. For example, if you wanted to lift an image and/or audio from the video and incorporate it into a banner or avatar, that would be in violation of the licensing agreement. In that sense, yes, I own the video, each and every frame, every sound. but I am giving you use of the video, and just the video, as a video. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me. 

Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment cancelled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part. 

Another condition of the licensing, is that because I own all rights to the video, you can not 'Monetize” ANY OF MY ORIGINAL WORK, on Youtube, or other such sites. In effect, you can not collect advertising monies from Youtube or other such sites, on the finished work I provide to you. You can not "resell" the finished work I provide to you. Thank you for your cooperation.

"Say Anything" "Mean Millie Mouthoff" gigs/Testimonial gigs/Voice Mail recording gigs

On other gigs I offer, I always require my watermark appear ON the video and include an intro and outro w/credits, and there are stipulations within the licensing agreement, such as uploading onto Youtube, etc., BUT, I do not push those issues with testimonials, rants, VM recordings, as those constraints, for my buyer, would take away from the aspect of it being a testimonial. It looks more real, more like a real testimonial without credits, watermarks, or appearing on MY Youtube channel. I ask only that you use my image and/or audio in THIS video only. Please do not manipulate my image and/or audio, or create pictures/images/audio recordings from the finished work you are provided without my consent. To do so, would violate the licensing agreement that you agreed to upon purchase. Basically, I am giving you limited use of the video, however, DUSK Enterprises, Inc., still maintains all copyrights for it and/or any authorization to use it.  Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

My licensing agreement holds that you will not manipulate the video in any way, nor will you create another video around my video. For example, if you sought to create a video titled, “All the performers of”, you could not include my video in the video you create, without my expressed written permission.Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

My licensing agreement also holds that you will not create still images and/or audio from the video. For example, if you wanted to lift an image and/or audio from the video and incorporate it into a banner or avatar, that would be in violation of the licensing agreement. In that sense, yes, I own the video, each and every frame, every sound. but I am giving you use of the video, and just the video, as a video. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

The licensing agreement with me, on these particular groupling of gigs, does not prevent you from uploading the video to your own website or Youtube channel. For videos such as these, since they are representing YOUR company, in the way of a tutorial or testimonial, you can not use the "OldBittyGrandma", nor associated the "OldBittyGrandma" name with your distribution of the finished work I provide to you, not in any way. I have my own business and you have yours. If you use my name, without my expressed written permission, then you would be violating the licensing agreement. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me.
I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and can alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I can also monetize on youtube or other such sites, any original work I create. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me.
If there is going to be a video on Youtube of me, with my OldBittyGrandma name on it, then it will be uploaded by me, me alone. I need to be in control of not allowing comments or ratings, as well as other concerns. If my name, watermark, or intro/outro credit does NOT appear on the finished work I provide to you, then you can upload it to your Youtube channel, as long as you do NOT use my name. That IS acceptable. I also require you to click on “Standard Use”, rather than "Creative Commons".

Another condition of the licensing includes that when uploading to Youtube or sites, you must use “Standard License” instead of “Creative Commons” licensing. For example, if someone lifted my image from your video and used it on a porn site, you would file DCMA's against the porno site, to have that image removed. To not oblige and aid  DUSK Enterprises, Inc. with that endeavor, would be violating the licensing agreement.

Another condition of the licensing, is that because I own all rights to the video, you can not 'Monetize” ANY OF MY ORIGINAL WORK, on Youtube, or other such sites. In effect, you can not collect advertising monies from Youtube or other such sites, on the finished work I provide to you. You can not "resell" the finished work I provide to you. Thank you for your cooperation.

With regard to ANY work produced, Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment cancelled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part. 

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and can alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on youtube or other such sites. I can also monetize on youtube or other such sites, any original work I create. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on youtube for you.  I will, however, not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Although I have had my fair share of treats, obviously... I have been focusing more on "tricks" these days, namely, gigs at

Here is my effort to save the environment:

Yes, I know, 7 minutes out of your life and all that...

If you're short on time, here's the cropped version without all the extras:

You can purchase my Halloween Witch gig here

Sure, the promotional gig video is geared more towards Halloween party invites and greetings, but I will do ANYTHING with my "Chartreuse" witch character, and will offer this gig year round. 

That Pesky Watermark
Generally speaking, and depending on how the buyer chooses to distribute, the watermark on finished work will be quite smaller, far more transparent, less evident and distracting. I have learned the hard way what happens to videos released with no copyright on them. This took me three long days, and lengthy DCMA efforts with Youtube to achieve. That was not a buyer of mine, rather, it was someone who saw one of my first "unprotected" Youtube videos, and stole it. 

If my buyer agrees to have me upload their request onto my Youtube Channel, because I have an agreement with Youtube now, I will go even easier on the watermark and it's frequency. If my buyer wants their request via .mp4/.wmv, then I will protect my work, again, not as frequent or apparent as shown in the promotional gig videos will be discreet, but my watermark will be there, at least on some brief sections of the performance. 

I am planning on posting my licensing agreement, and how, on certain gigs, the agreement differs. Look for those details in an upcoming post. 

The Best of Fiverr blog INTERVIEW


Let's start here. I created this video in response to a request I received from The Best of Fiverr blog back at the end of August 2011. They wanted to feature me! I was ecstatic, just full of so many ideas! So I spent the next few days shooting and the following weekend editing and I came up with this video. I wanted to name it "BITTEN" because my experience of, was, for me, similar to what one might think of when they hear the words "bitten by the acting bug". I was "bitten" alright, and this time, is was not by my  Black German Shepherd, my Demon Wolf Nikita...Oh no..this was not going to be a swift nip. This "bite" came without warning. It resulted in an extreme transformation of myself, my view of myself and my surroundings. 

This video was then featured on's facebook.


I listed my first gig on back in July 2011, but truly, here, with this video, was the beginning of my pursuit for something I always felt destined for, performing, writing, editing...creating, regardless it being small scale production, it's real, it enjoyable, and it's me.   

In this video, I mentioned those whose influence propelled my involvement with, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them once again and share their links.

April Winchell -

Sam Cornwell -

Dancing Dror  -

Thank you! -xoxo