Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Licensing Agreement

This Licensing agreement exists, to blanket all work created and produced by “OldBittyGrandma” who appears courtesy of DUSK Enterprises, Inc., exclusively on Fiverr.com

Basic conditions applying to all finished work
Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment canceled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, after delivery, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part.

Ownership of rights are shared between the person (entity) who bought the video, and DUSK Enterprises, Inc., who created and produced the video. Customers are granted the same rights as DUSK Enterprises is, in that the buyer can use the footage as they want, and DUSK Enterprises, Inc. can use the footage as DUSK wants.

That about wraps it up. Do what you want with the video, manipulate it, alter it, whatever...and I have the same rights to do the same, although, I will mute/blur last names and company names, upon request.

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