Sunday, October 16, 2011

Licensing Agreement [Old version from Oct. 15 2011 - Oct. 24 2011]

This Licensing agreement exists, to blanket all work created and produced by “OldBittyGrandma” aka DUSK Enterprises, Inc.

Please check the type of gig you booked with me, and review the appropriate licensing agreement.

Basic conditions applying to all finished work

Any gigs ordered, paid for, delivered on and then payment canceled, CAN NOT BE USED, privately or publicly. If video/audio is purchased and delivered, and then the buyer decides to cancel payment, after delivery, the video/audio delivered may not be used in a private or public fashion. Buyer may not use, post, publish or take any action whatsoever in distributing, or using , the video/audio in whole or in part.

Any original video/audio that OldBittyGrandma creates belongs to DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Customers are granted limited use only. The limited use granted, is granted indefinitely. Please check the type of gig you booked with me, and review the degree of latitude on use that is granted.

Any portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, in part or whole, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it.
Customers can not use the "OldBittyGrandma" name, as an endorsement for their product. Thank you for your cooperation.

Primary Gigs

---Mean Millie Mouthoff
---Happy Birthday 3 styles to choose from
---Happy Birthday Billie Holiday Voice
---Singing 4 verses acapella
---You Are My Sunshine
---Say Anything Testimonial
---Voicemail Greeting or Voiceover 
---3 Quality Pictures 

On other gigs I offer, I am am very stringent in protecting the work I deliver. On those gigs I require youtube upload only. However, with these gigs I grant greater latitude, because typically, I am not using another artists copyrighted work i.e. Music Samples, Sound Effects, etc... (I have been granted permission to use any elements I include in a video, however, I do not hold rights to pass the original artist's copyright onto another party.)

I require that you only use my image and/or audio in THIS video only. You can not manipulate my image and/or audio, or create pictures/images/audio recordings from the finished work you are provided, without my expressed written consent. To do so, would violate the licensing agreement that you agreed to upon purchase. Basically, I am giving you limited use of the video, however, DUSK Enterprises, Inc., still maintains all copyrights for it and/or any authorization to use it.

My licensing agreement holds that you will not manipulate the video in any way, nor will you create another video around my video. For example, if you sought to create a video titled, “All the performers of”, you could not include my video in the video you create, without my expressed written permission. Another example would be if you wanted to enter my finished work in a contest, to do so would be a violation this licensing agreement.

My licensing agreement also holds that you will not create still images and/or audio from the video. For example, if you wanted to lift an image and/or audio from the video and incorporate it into a banner, avatar, track, sample, that would be a violation of the licensing agreement.

I own all rights to take the finished work provided to you and alter, manipulate in any fashion I want, and use it to further advertise my services on Youtube or other such sites. I will, however, mute any company names out of the video, if, and only if, you did not grant me permission prior, to upload the video on Youtube for you.  I will not use any video/audio/images of your original material you submitted to me. 

No watermark, no intro/outro credits will appear on the finished work, except for the Happy Birthday and You Are My Sunshine gigs. If a music or sound effect element is requested, then an ending credit may apply.

Youtube Conditions

With regards to Youtube uploading. The licensing agreement with me, on this particular grouping of gigs, does NOT prevent you from uploading the video to your own website or Youtube channel. You can upload the finished work, unaltered, non-manipulated, in it's entirety, onto your youtube channel. I require you to click on “Standard Use”copyright, rather than "Creative Commons" copyright.

If you choose to monetize the video, you must agree to annotate the video with:

in “note” form, font size “18”, “white” background, “black” font color, with note placed somewhere within the upper 1/3rd of the screen, for at a minimum, of 15 seconds. 

I also have the right to upload the video to the OldBittyGrandma channel, and after upload, I am free to monetize this video. I may, but am not obligated to also offer, at the time of Youtube monetization, to include for my customer, the opportunity to annotate the video for a time frame up to 10 seconds. This annotation can include a link to their website, their company name, most any short message to appear on top of the video is available.

Character Gigs

---Death Clock 
---Chartreuse Witch 
---LaVonnawanna Dahlah 
---HOBO Love Song 
---Personalized Merry Christmas

The final product for these gigs will be uploaded onto the OldBittyGrandma Youtube Channel only. 
After upload, I am free to monetize this video and also offer, at the time of Youtube monetization, to include for my customer, the opportunity to annotate the video for a time frame up to 10 seconds. This annotation can include a link to their website, their company name, most any short message to appear on top of the video is available.

If character script templates exist, which for many of the characters they do, then that script template must be used, and can not be altered from the final script. For example, the Fortune Teller gig has a script template. I refuse to perform the gig without being able to say the intro and outro of the template. I refuse to perform the gig, without using my Fortune Teller name LaVonnawanna Dahlah  .

Video/Audio Editing


Video/Audio provided to DUSK Enterprises, Inc. for editing purposes remains the property of the original owner who submitted the video. OldBittyGrandma will never extrapolate any part of any submissions nor will use any video/audio, whole or in part, in projects outside of a customer's unique project.

Any original video/audio that OldBittyGrandma adds to the existing video/audio submitted, is blanketed by the licensing agreement section Primary Gigs. Customers are granted limited use only. The limited use granted, is granted indefinitely. Any original portions of OldBittyGrandma's original work, can not be altered, manipulated, lifted, or used in any way, outside of it's original intended purpose, unless expressed written consent given by DUSK Enterprises, Inc.. Just ask. I want to know what people are doing with my material. There may be no additional cost involved, if you're upfront about it..

Any samples, any part of samples, any content within a sample provided, can not be used, manipulated, nor altered without the expressed written consent of DUSK Enterprises, Inc. If a sample is used, without expressed written consent, the user will be considered violating the copyright exclusively owned by DUSK Enterprises, Inc..

Any samples provided are provided to demonstrate the scope of endless possibilities that a customer's project could encompass. Samples are provided as a courtesy. Please honor that courtesy and reciprocate, by not using samples, or sharing samples with another producer/creator/artist without the expressed written consent of DUSK Enterprises, Inc.

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